Research Outputs

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    Percepciones y caracterƭsticas de la prƔctica de actividad fƭsica durante la pandemia en adultos. Un estudio de caso en Chile
    (FederaciĆ³n EspaƱola de Docentes de EducaciĆ³n FĆ­sica, 2024) ; ; ;
    Toro-Salinas, AndrƩs
    Ɓlvarez-Lepin, Cristian
    Concha-Cisternas, Yeny
    Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Fernando
    Petermann-Rocha, Fanny
    Celis-Morales, Carlos
    La pandemia del COVID-19 modificĆ³ los estilos de vida de la poblaciĆ³n mundial, debido a las medidas de confinamiento para reducir la actividad social masiva. Esto aumentĆ³ los niveles de inactividad fĆ­sica y sus riesgos para la salud. Por ello, el Ministerio de Salud de Chile estableciĆ³ una banda horaria exclusiva para la prĆ”ctica de actividad fĆ­sica. Los objetivos del estudio fueron conocer las percepciones de los usuarios y las caracterĆ­sticas de la actividad fĆ­sica realizada durante la banda horaria. Se empleĆ³ un enfoque interpretativo, de diseƱo cualitativo, mediante un estudio de caso, con una entrevista personal y presencial. El instrumento fue un guion semiestructurado, aplicado a once sujetos adultos de ambos sexos, con edades entre los 24 y 69 aƱos, que realizaban actividad fĆ­sica en un parque de la ciudad de ConcepciĆ³n, Chile, durante el aƱo 2021. Los resultados indican que las personas realizaban actividades fĆ­sicas por placer, para cuidar la salud y socializar, y reportaron sentirse con energĆ­a durante el dĆ­a. Manifestaron un alto nivel de satisfacciĆ³n con esta medida y una alta motivaciĆ³n hacia la prĆ”ctica de actividad fĆ­sica, pero sugirieron ampliar el horario de la maƱana e introducir una nueva banda en la tarde. Por otro lado, realizaron actividades fĆ­sicas preferiblemente grupales, de cuatro a siete veces por semana, y de una a dos horas de duraciĆ³n. En conclusiĆ³n, las percepciones hacia la banda horaria fueron positivas, y las caracterĆ­sticas de las prĆ”cticas fĆ­sicas contribuyeron significativamente a mejorar la salud y el bienestar durante el confinamiento.
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    Prevalencia de debilidad muscular en personas mayores chilenas: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017
    (Sociedad MĆ©dica de Santiago, 2020) ; ; ;
    Concha-Cisternas, Yeny
    Cigarroa, Igor
    Leiva-OrdoƱez, Ana
    MartĆ­nez-Sanguinetti, MarĆ­a
    Ulloa, Natalia
    Gabler, MarĆ­a
    Petermann-Rocha, Fanny
    Parra-Soto, Solange
    DĆ­az, Ximena
    Celis-Morales, Carlos
    Background: Handgrip strength is an indicator of frailty in older people. Aim: To determine the prevalence of low handgrip strength in older Chilean adults. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional analysis of 244 individuals aged 60 years or more, participating in the 2016-2017 Chilean National Health Survey, was carried out. Handgrip strength was evaluated by a hand dynamometer and low grip strength was determined as a grip strength ā‰¤ 15 kg and ā‰¤ 27 kg for women and men, respectively. Results: Twenty nine percent of participants had low grip strength. The average grip strength among 60-year-old men and women was 34.7 and 22.1 kg, respectively. These figures decreased to 28.8 kg and 17.2 kg among 90-year-old men and women, respectively. The prevalence of low grip strength in men and women aged 60 years was 18%. In 90-year-old men and women, these figures increased to 79% and 56.3%, respectively. Conclusions: The prevalence of low grip strength increased substantially with age.
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    Brisk walking pace is associated with better cardiometabolic health in adults: Findings from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016ā€“2017
    (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023)
    Cigarroa, Igor
    Bravo-Leal, Michelle
    Petermann-Rocha, Fanny
    Parra-Soto, Solange
    Concha-Cisternas, Yeny
    VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime
    Zapata-Lamana, Rafael
    Parra-Rizo, MarĆ­a Antonia
    Ɓlvarez, Cristian
    Celis-Morales, Carlos
    Background: Although the importance of walking for promoting a better cardiometabolic health is widely known (this includes both cardiovascular and metabolic/endocrine systems), there is little knowledge regarding its appropriate pace to provide adults with more cardiometabolic benefits. Aim: To analyze the associations between different walking pace categories and cardiometabolic health markers in the adult Chilean population. Methods: Cross-sectional study. A total of 5520 participants aged 15 to 90 years old from the Chilean National Health Survey (CNHS) 2016ā€“2017 were included. Walking pace categories (slow, average, and brisk) were collected through self-reported methods. Glycaemia, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), vitamin D2, vitamin D3, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and lipid profile (Total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, No HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) were determined using blood sample tests and measured with the standardized methods described in the CNHS 2016ā€“2017. Results: People who had a brisk walking pace were associated with lower levels of glycaemia, HbA1c, GGT, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and higher vitamin D3 levels compared with those with a slow walking pace. Moreover, people with a brisk walking pace had lower levels of VLDL cholesterol compared with those with a slow walking pace. However, after adjusting the model to include sociodemographic background, nutritional status, and lifestyle variables, the differences remained only for glycaemia, HbA1c and systolic blood pressure levels. Conclusions: A brisk walking pace was associated with better cardiometabolic health markers and lipid profile compared with a slow walking pace.