Dr. Matus-Castillo, Carlos
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Dr. Matus-Castillo, Carlos
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Matus Castillo, Carlos Alexis
18 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationPercepciones y caracterĆsticas de la prĆ”ctica de actividad fĆsica durante la pandemia en adultos. Un estudio de caso en Chile(FederaciĆ³n EspaƱola de Docentes de EducaciĆ³n FĆsica, 2024)
; ; ; ;Toro-Salinas, AndrĆ©s ;Ćlvarez-Lepin, Cristian ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Fernando ;Petermann-Rocha, FannyCelis-Morales, CarlosLa pandemia del COVID-19 modificĆ³ los estilos de vida de la poblaciĆ³n mundial, debido a las medidas de confinamiento para reducir la actividad social masiva. Esto aumentĆ³ los niveles de inactividad fĆsica y sus riesgos para la salud. Por ello, el Ministerio de Salud de Chile estableciĆ³ una banda horaria exclusiva para la prĆ”ctica de actividad fĆsica. Los objetivos del estudio fueron conocer las percepciones de los usuarios y las caracterĆsticas de la actividad fĆsica realizada durante la banda horaria. Se empleĆ³ un enfoque interpretativo, de diseƱo cualitativo, mediante un estudio de caso, con una entrevista personal y presencial. El instrumento fue un guion semiestructurado, aplicado a once sujetos adultos de ambos sexos, con edades entre los 24 y 69 aƱos, que realizaban actividad fĆsica en un parque de la ciudad de ConcepciĆ³n, Chile, durante el aƱo 2021. Los resultados indican que las personas realizaban actividades fĆsicas por placer, para cuidar la salud y socializar, y reportaron sentirse con energĆa durante el dĆa. Manifestaron un alto nivel de satisfacciĆ³n con esta medida y una alta motivaciĆ³n hacia la prĆ”ctica de actividad fĆsica, pero sugirieron ampliar el horario de la maƱana e introducir una nueva banda en la tarde. Por otro lado, realizaron actividades fĆsicas preferiblemente grupales, de cuatro a siete veces por semana, y de una a dos horas de duraciĆ³n. En conclusiĆ³n, las percepciones hacia la banda horaria fueron positivas, y las caracterĆsticas de las prĆ”cticas fĆsicas contribuyeron significativamente a mejorar la salud y el bienestar durante el confinamiento. - PublicationNiveles de actividad fĆsica y tiempo sedente en personas mayores con fragilidad: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017(NutriciĆ³n Hospitalaria , 2023)
;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime ;Castro-PiƱero, JosĆ© ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Parra-Soto, Solange; ; ; Celis-Morales, CarlosAntecedentes: la fragilidad se caracteriza por la pĆ©rdida de reservas biolĆ³gicas y la vulnerabilidad a resultados adversos. Una intervenciĆ³n con efectos beneficiosos sobre la prevenciĆ³n y el manejo de la fragilidad es la prĆ”ctica regular de actividad fĆsica (AF). Objetivo: caracterizar los niveles de AF y tiempo sedente en personas mayores con fragilidad. MetodologĆa: se incluyĆ³ a 232 personas mayores de 60 aƱos de la regiĆ³n metropolitana, participantes en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017. La fragilidad se evaluĆ³ en base a los criterios de la escala de fenotipos de Fried y el nivel de AF y tiempo sedentario con el cuestionario Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ v2). Los niveles de AF segĆŗn el fenotipo de fragilidad se determinaron con anĆ”lisis de regresiĆ³n lineal. Resultados y conclusiones: las personas mayores con fragilidad realizan menos AF total (Ī² = -292,6 min/dĆa [IC 95 %: 399,5; -185,7], p = 0,001), laboral (Ī² = -5821,8 min/dĆa [IC 95 %: 8680,8; -2962,8], p = 0,001), de transporte (Ī² = -68,0 min/dĆa [IC 95 %: -105,4;-30,62], p = 0,001). TambiĆ©n se observĆ³ menor cantidad de AF moderada (Ī² = -137,7 min/dĆa [IC 95 %: -202,0; -73,5], p = 0,001); vigorosa (Ī² = -43,4 min/dĆa [IC 95 %: -81,6; -5,20], p = 0,026) y mayor tiempo sedente (Ī² = 3,55 hora/dĆa [IC 95 %: -1,97; 5,14 ], p = 0,001). Las personas mayores frĆ”giles presentan niveles mĆ”s bajos de AF en comparaciĆ³n con sus pares sin fragilidad. Considerando que la poblaciĆ³n chilena experimentarĆ” un aumento en el nĆŗmero de personas mayores, es imprescindible implementar medidas preventivas que permitan retrasar la apariciĆ³n de la fragilidad, como fomentar la prĆ”ctica de AF en todos sus niveles. - PublicationBrisk walking pace is associated with better cardiometabolic health in adults: Findings from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016ā2017(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2023)
;Cigarroa, Igor ;Bravo-Leal, Michelle ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny; ;VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime ;Zapata-Lamana, Rafael ;Parra-Rizo, MarĆa Antonia ;Ćlvarez, CristianCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: Although the importance of walking for promoting a better cardiometabolic health is widely known (this includes both cardiovascular and metabolic/endocrine systems), there is little knowledge regarding its appropriate pace to provide adults with more cardiometabolic benefits. Aim: To analyze the associations between different walking pace categories and cardiometabolic health markers in the adult Chilean population. Methods: Cross-sectional study. A total of 5520 participants aged 15 to 90 years old from the Chilean National Health Survey (CNHS) 2016ā2017 were included. Walking pace categories (slow, average, and brisk) were collected through self-reported methods. Glycaemia, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c), gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT), vitamin D2, vitamin D3, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and lipid profile (Total, HDL, LDL, VLDL, No HDL cholesterol and triglycerides) were determined using blood sample tests and measured with the standardized methods described in the CNHS 2016ā2017. Results: People who had a brisk walking pace were associated with lower levels of glycaemia, HbA1c, GGT, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and higher vitamin D3 levels compared with those with a slow walking pace. Moreover, people with a brisk walking pace had lower levels of VLDL cholesterol compared with those with a slow walking pace. However, after adjusting the model to include sociodemographic background, nutritional status, and lifestyle variables, the differences remained only for glycaemia, HbA1c and systolic blood pressure levels. Conclusions: A brisk walking pace was associated with better cardiometabolic health markers and lipid profile compared with a slow walking pace. - PublicationAsociaciĆ³n entre velocidad de marcha y deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017(Salud Uninorte, 2022)
; ; ; ;Garrrido-MĆ©ndez, Ćlex ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Castro-PiƱero, JosĆ© ;VĆ”squez, Jaime ;Martorell, Miquel ;Cigarroa, Igor ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;MartĆnez- Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;Nazar, Gabriela ;Leiva-OrdoƱez, Ana ;Diaz-MartĆnez, XimenaCelis-Morales, CarlosAntecedentes: La velocidad de la marcha podrĆa considerarse un marcador temprano de riesgo de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores. Objetivo: Determinar la asociaciĆ³n entre velocidad de la marcha y sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en poblaciĆ³n mayor chilena. MĆ©todos: Se incluyeron 1788 personas mayores de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS) 2016-2017 que tenĆan informaciĆ³n sobre velocidad de marcha y sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. La velocidad de la marcha fue autorreportada y categorizada como marca lenta, normal y rĆ”pida. Sospecha de deterioro cognitivo fue evaluado a travĆ©s del cuestionario Mini Mental abreviado. La asociaciĆ³n entre marcha y deterioro cognitivo fue investigada mediante anĆ”lisis de regresiĆ³n logĆstica. Resultados: En comparaciĆ³n a las personas mayores que reportaron una velocidad de marcha rĆ”pida, aquellas que reportaron una marcha lenta presentaron 2,67 veces mayor probabilidad de tener deterioro cognitivo (OR: 2,67 [95% IC:1,62; 4,42], p<0,001). Al ajustar los modelos por variables de confusiĆ³n sociodemogrĆ”ficas, estilos de vida y salud, la asociaciĆ³n disminuyĆ³, pero, permaneciĆ³ significativa (OR: 1,78 [95% IC:1,15; 3,17], p=0,047). Mientras que las personas mayores que reportaron tener una velocidad de marcha normal no presentaron asociaciĆ³n con deterioro cognitivo. ConclusiĆ³n: Personas mayores que reportan una velocidad de marcha lenta presentaron una mayor probabilidad de sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. Considerando que el deterioro cognitivo es un sĆndrome geriĆ”trico con alta prevalencia en poblaciĆ³n mayor, existe la necesidad de enfatizar en estrategias para un diagnĆ³stico temprano, por lo cual la velocidad de marcha podrĆa ser un instrumento Ćŗtil. - PublicationAssociation between physical activity and income levels in chilean adults(Revista mĆ©dica de Chile, 2021)
; ; ; ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime ;Cigarroa, Igor ;DĆaz-MartĆnez, Ximena ;MartĆnez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;BeltrĆ”n, Ana ;Martorell, Miquel ;RamĆrez-AlarcĆ³n, Karina ;Salas-Bravo, Carlos ;Lasserre-Laso, Nicole ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;Petermann-Rocha, FannyCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: The Chilean population reports high levels of physical inactivity. The relationship between income level, physical activity (PA) and sedentary behaviors is not well known. Aim: To describe the levels of PA and sedentary time, according to income levels in the Chilean population. Material and Methods: Analysis of data from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017, which included 5,130 participants (52.9% women). The levels of PA and sedentary time were measured by the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. Income levels were established according to the self-reported income per capita of the households and presented as quintiles. PA levels according to income levels were estimated by linear regression analyses. Results: Transport-related PA was higher in the lowest income quintiles (p = 0.039). There were no trends for income levels and PA domains including moderate, vigorous, total, occupational and leisure PA. The prevalence of leisure and occupational physical inactivities were higher in the lowest quintiles of income. Sitting time was higher in the higher income levels (p < 0.01). Conclusions: People in the lowest quintile for income spent more time in transport-related PA and less time sitting. However, physical inactivity prevalence during leisure and work time were higher in people with lower income. - PublicationAssociation of adiposity and diabetes mellitus type 2 by education level in the Chilean population(Revista mĆ©dica de Chile, 2021)
; ; ; ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;Leiva-OrdoƱez, Ana ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;MartĆnez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;Martorell, Miquel ;Ulloa, Natalia ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Cigarroa, Igor ;VillagrĆ”n, Marcelo ;Laserre-Laso, NicoleCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: Adiposity and education are two independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, there is limited evidence whether both education and adiposity are associated with T2D in an additive manner in the Chilean population. Aim: To investigate the joint association between adiposity and education with T2D in the Chilean adult population. Material and Methods: Analysis of data of the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017, which included 5,033 participants with a mean age of 43 years, (51% women). Poisson regression analyses with robust standard error were used to investigate the joint association of the education level and general and central adiposity with T2D. The results were reported as Prevalence Ratio and their 95% confidence intervals (PR, 95% CI). Results: Obesity was associated with a higher probability of having T2D in men than in women, however central adiposity was associated with a higher probability of having T2D in women than in men. Compared with men who had higher education (> 12 years) and had normal body weight, those with the same educational level and who were obese had 2.3-times higher probability of having T2D (PR: 2.35 [95% CI: 1.02; 5.39]). For women, having a low education and being obese was associated with 4.4-times higher probability of having T2D compared to those with higher education and normal body mass index (BMI) (PR: 4.47 [95% IC: 2.12; 9.24]). Similar results were observed when waist circumference was used as a marker of obesity rather than BMI. Conclusions: Women and men with higher BMI and low education had a higher risk of T2D. However, this risk was higher in women than in men. - PublicationAssociation between walking pace and diabetes: Findings from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016-2017(International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020)
; ; ; ;Cigarroa, Igor ;Espinoza-Sanhueza, MarĆa ;Lasserre-Laso, Nicole ;Diaz-Martinez, Ximena ;Martinez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;Leiva, Ana ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Martorell, Miquel ;Ulloa, Natalia ;Waddell, HeatherCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: Walking pace is a well-known indicator of physical capability, but it is also a strong predictor of type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, there is a lack of evidence on the association between walking pace and T2D, specifically, within developing countries such as Chile. Aim: To investigate the association between self-reported walking pace and T2D in the Chilean adult population. Methods: 5520 Chilean participants (aged 15 to 90 years, 52.1% women) from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016ā2017 were included in this cross-sectional study. Both walking pace (slow, average, and brisk) and diabetes data were collected through self-reported methods. Fasting blood glucose (reported in mg/dl) and glycosylated haemoglobin A (HbA1c) scores were determined via blood exams. Results: In the unadjusted model, and compared to people who reported a slow walking pace, those with average and brisk walking pace had lower blood glucose levels (Ī² = ā7.74 mg/dL (95% CI: ā11.08 to ā4.40) and Ī² = ā11.05 mg/dL (95% CI: ā14.36 to ā7.75), respectively) and lower HbA1c (Ī² = ā0.34% (95% CI: ā0.57 to ā0.11) and Ī²= ā0.72% (95% CI: ā0.94 to ā0.49)), respectively. After adjusting for sociodemographic, Body Mass Index and lifestyle factors, the association between glycaemia and HbA1c remained only for brisk walkers. Both the average and brisk walker categories had lower odds of T2D (OR: 0.59 (95% CI: 0.41 to 0.84) and (OR 0.48 (95% CI: 0.30 to 0.79), respectively). Conclusion: Brisk walkers were associated with lower blood glucose and HbA1c levels. Moreover, average to brisk walking pace also showed a lower risk for T2D. - PublicationAssociation between different modes of travelling and adiposity in Chilean population: Findings from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016ā2017(MDPI, 2020)
;Medina, Ignacio ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Waddell, Heather ;DĆaz-MartĆnez, Ximena; ;Cigarroa Cuevas, Igor ;Concha Cisternas, Yeny ;Salas-Bravo, Carlos ;MartĆnez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa AdelaCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: Active travel has been suggested as a feasible way of increasing physical activity levels. Although international studies have demonstrated its effect over different health outcomes and adiposity, there is still limited evidence on this topic in developing countries, such as Chile. Aim: To investigate the associations between different types of travelling and markers of obesity in the Chilean adult population. Methods: 5411 participants from the Chilean National Health Survey 2016ā2017 (CNHS) were included in this study. Active travel was assessed using a questionnaire. Car commuters, public transport (PT), walking and cycling were the four forms of travelling assessed. Bodyweight, body mass index and waist circumference were used as markers of adiposity. Results: Compared to car travellers, body weight, WC and BMI levels were lower for PT walking and cycling travellers. The odds for obesity (Odds ratio (OR): 0.41 (95% CI: 0.28; 0.61 p ā¤ 0.001) were lower for walking and the odds (OR: 0.56 (95%CI: 0.35; 0.89 p = 0.014) for central obesity were significantly lower for cyclist in comparison to car travellers. Additionally, participation in any form of active travel (walking or cycling) was low, with only 20.9% of the population reporting being active travellers. Conclusion: Active travel, such as walking and cycling, was associated with lower adiposity levels in the Chilean adult population. Promoting active travel could be a feasible strategy to tackle the high prevalence of obesity and physical inactivity in the Chilean population. - PublicationComparaciĆ³n entre el auto-reporte de actividad fĆsica y la mediciĆ³n con acelerĆ³metro segĆŗn factores sociodemogrĆ”ficos(Revista Chilena de NutriciĆ³n, 2020)
; ; ;LabraƱa, Ana MarĆa ;RamĆrez-AlarcĆ³n, Karina ;Salas-Bravo, Carlos ;Diaz-Martinez, Ximena ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;MartĆnez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa Adela ;Leiva, Ana MarĆa ;Luarte, Cristian ;Petermann-Rocha, FannyCelis-Morales, CarlosIntroducciĆ³n: La determinaciĆ³n del nivel de actividad fĆsica (AF) puede realizarse a travĆ©s de acelerĆ³metro o mediante cuestionario de auto-reporte. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los niveles de AF entre un cuestionario de auto-reporte y la mediciĆ³n con acelerĆ³metro de movimiento segĆŗn factores sociodemogrĆ”ficos en la poblaciĆ³n chilena. MĆ©todos: Estudio de corte transversal que incluyĆ³ a 230 adultos chilenos participantes del proyecto Genes, Ambiente, Diabetes y Obesidad (GENADIO). Niveles de AF fueron medidos mediante el cuestionario Internacional Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) y acelerĆ³metro de movimiento (ActiGraph). Resultados: IPAQ subestimĆ³ los niveles de AF total en comparaciĆ³n a la mediciĆ³n con acelerĆ³metro (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= -55,7 min/dĆa). SegĆŗn nivel educacional, se evidenciĆ³ que el cuestionario IPAQ sobreestimĆ³ los niveles de AF total en personas con bajo nivel educacional (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= 70,4 min/dĆa), pero subestimĆ³ la AF total en personas con enseƱanza media o tĆ©cnico universitaria (delta [IPAQ-Acel.]= -67,9 y -135,6 min/dĆa, respectivamente). Resultados similares fueron observados para los distintos niveles de ingreso socioeconĆ³mico (NSE). ConclusiĆ³n: El cuestionario de auto-reporte IPAQ subestimĆ³ los niveles de AF total en comparaciĆ³n a la mediciĆ³n por acelerĆ³metro; sin embargo, estas diferencias variaron segĆŗn factores sociodemogrĆ”ficos. - PublicationFitness cardiorrespiratorio estimado mediante ecuaciĆ³n y su caracterizaciĆ³n sociodemogrĆ”fica en poblaciĆ³n chilena: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017(Sociedad MĆ©dica de Santiago, 2020)
; ; ; ;VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime ;DĆaz-MartĆnez, Ximena ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Cigarroa, Igor ;Martorell, Miquel ;MartĆnez-Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;Leiva-OrdoƱez, Ana ;Petermann-Rocha, FannyCelis-Morales, CarlosBackground: Cardiorespiratory fitness is a strong predictor of mortality and chronic diseases. However, its estimation is costly and time consuming which may limit it broad use in population-based studies. Aim: To estimate the cardiorespiratory fitness of the Chilean population by using equations and to characterize fitness levels of the Chilean population by sociodemographic factors. Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study included 5,958 adults from the Chilean Health Survey conducted between 2016 and 2017. Cardiorespiratory fitness was estimated from sex-specific equations for men and women and expressed as METs (Energy Metabolic Equivalent). Fitness levels were characterized by sociodemographics factors (age, sex, education, income and area of residency). Results: Fitness levels were higher in men (9.01 METs) than in women (6.76 METs) and in average decrease by 0.59 and 0.34 METs per each year increment in age for men and women, respectively. Fitness levels were 12.7 METs and 7.8 METs for 20-year-old men and women, respectively. However, fitness levels decreased to 7.8 METs and 4.3 METs in 90-year-old men and women, respectively. Fitness levels were also higher in individuals living in urban setting, those with higher education or income levels and lean individuals. Conclusions: This study reports fitness levels in a nationally representative sample of Chile. Fitness levels were higher in men than women however, its decline with age was more pronounce in men than women.