Dr. Poblete-Valderrama, Felipe
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Dr. Poblete-Valderrama, Felipe
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Poblete Valderrama, Felipe AndrƩs
3 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationAsociaciĆ³n entre velocidad de marcha y deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores: Resultados de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2016-2017(Salud Uninorte, 2022)
; ; ; ;Garrrido-MĆ©ndez, Ćlex ;Concha-Cisternas, Yeny ;Castro-PiƱero, JosĆ© ;VĆ”squez, Jaime ;Martorell, Miquel ;Cigarroa, Igor ;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Parra-Soto, Solange ;MartĆnez- Sanguinetti, MarĆa ;Nazar, Gabriela ;Leiva-OrdoƱez, Ana ;Diaz-MartĆnez, XimenaCelis-Morales, CarlosAntecedentes: La velocidad de la marcha podrĆa considerarse un marcador temprano de riesgo de deterioro cognitivo en personas mayores. Objetivo: Determinar la asociaciĆ³n entre velocidad de la marcha y sospecha de deterioro cognitivo en poblaciĆ³n mayor chilena. MĆ©todos: Se incluyeron 1788 personas mayores de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENS) 2016-2017 que tenĆan informaciĆ³n sobre velocidad de marcha y sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. La velocidad de la marcha fue autorreportada y categorizada como marca lenta, normal y rĆ”pida. Sospecha de deterioro cognitivo fue evaluado a travĆ©s del cuestionario Mini Mental abreviado. La asociaciĆ³n entre marcha y deterioro cognitivo fue investigada mediante anĆ”lisis de regresiĆ³n logĆstica. Resultados: En comparaciĆ³n a las personas mayores que reportaron una velocidad de marcha rĆ”pida, aquellas que reportaron una marcha lenta presentaron 2,67 veces mayor probabilidad de tener deterioro cognitivo (OR: 2,67 [95% IC:1,62; 4,42], p<0,001). Al ajustar los modelos por variables de confusiĆ³n sociodemogrĆ”ficas, estilos de vida y salud, la asociaciĆ³n disminuyĆ³, pero, permaneciĆ³ significativa (OR: 1,78 [95% IC:1,15; 3,17], p=0,047). Mientras que las personas mayores que reportaron tener una velocidad de marcha normal no presentaron asociaciĆ³n con deterioro cognitivo. ConclusiĆ³n: Personas mayores que reportan una velocidad de marcha lenta presentaron una mayor probabilidad de sospecha de deterioro cognitivo. Considerando que el deterioro cognitivo es un sĆndrome geriĆ”trico con alta prevalencia en poblaciĆ³n mayor, existe la necesidad de enfatizar en estrategias para un diagnĆ³stico temprano, por lo cual la velocidad de marcha podrĆa ser un instrumento Ćŗtil. - PublicationAssociation of leisure time and occupational physical activity with obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in Chile(Routledge, 2019)
;Petermann-Rocha, Fanny ;Brown, Rosemary E. ;Diaz-MartĆnez, Ximena ;Leiva, Ana M. ;MartĆnez, MarĆa A.; ; ; ;Luarte-Rocha, Cristian ;Salas-Bravo, Carlos; ;GarcĆa-Hermoso, Antonio ;RamĆrez-VĆ©lez, Robinson ;VĆ”squez-GĆ³mez, Jaime A. ;RodrĆguez-RodrĆguez, Fernando ;Ćlvarez, CristianCelis-Morales, CarlosThe aim of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity (PA), both occupational (OPA) and during leisure time (LTPA), with obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in Chilean adults. 5,157 participants from the Chilean National Health Survey 2009ā2010 were included in this study. OPA and LTPA levels were assessed using the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire. The association between both PA with obesity and cardiovascular risk factors was determined using logistic regression. Our findings showed a significant trend between higher LTPA and lower odds for obesity (OR 0.64 [95% CI: 0.53; 0.76], central obesity 0.52 [0.44; 0.61]) and other cardiovascular risk factors including diabetes (OR: 0.72 [0.55; 0.94]), hypertension (OR: 0.59 [0.50; 0.71]) and metabolic syndrome (OR: 0.62 [0.50; 0.78]). In contrast, OPA was only associated with lower odds of diabetes (OR: 0.79 [0.65; 0.98]) and hypertension (0.85 [0.74; 0.98]). In conclusion, LTPA was associated with a lower risk of all major cardiovascular risk factors, whereas OPA was only associated with a lower risk of diabetes and hypertension. - PublicationPrevalence and patterns of active commuting according to sociodemographic factors in the Chilean population(Elsevier, 2019)
;Waddell, Heather ;RodrĆguez-RodrĆguez, Fernando; ;DĆaz-MartĆnez, Ximena; ;Petermann-Rocha, FannyCelis-Morales, CarlosIntroduction: The objective of this study was to investigate levels of self-reported active commuting by socio-demographics factors in Chile. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in 5,157 participants (women: 59.3%, age range 15ā101 years) from the Chilean National Health Survey (CNHS) 2009ā2010. The Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ v2) was utilised to measure frequency and time spent in active commuting (walking or cycling). In addition, age, sex, education, place of residence, income and occupation were used as socio-demographics factors of interest. Results: 31.9% [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 29.7; 34.2] of the population reported not doing any form of active commuting, this prevalence was higher in women than men (34.0% vs. 29.7%), in older (ā„65y) than younger individuals (ā¤24y) (44.1% vs. 24.4%), in individuals with lower education compared to higher education (38.4% vs. 28.2) and in retired individuals than in those who were employed (46.0% vs. 31.2%). Being a non-active commuter was associated with a higher prevalence of physical inactivity (OR: 11.1 [95% CI: 8.27; 14.8], p < 0.0001). Similar findings were observed when analyses were stratified by socio-demographics factors. Conclusions: Our findings show that prevalence and levels of active commuting differ by sociodemographic factors. In addition, our results provide evidence that commuting physical activity is an important domain that contribute to achieving the physical activity guidelines. Individuals who do not engage in active commuting presented a higher prevalence of physical inactivity.