Dr. Núñez-Castellanos, Eduardo
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Dr. Núñez-Castellanos, Eduardo
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Núñez Castellanos, Eduardo
7 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationLoad-level isolator model for pallets on industrial storage racks and validation with experimental results(Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, 2024)
; ; ;Sanhueza-Cartes, MarceloRoco-Videla, AngelThis paper introduces a system allows for seismic isolation of the pallet from the rack in the down-aisle direction, occupies minimal vertical space (5 cm) and ±7.5 cm of deformation range. A conceptual model of the isolation system is presented, leading to a constitutive equation governing its behavior. A first experimental campaign studying the response of the isolation system's components was conducted to calibrate the parameters of its constitutive equation. A second experimental campaign evaluated the response of the isolation system with mass placed on it, subjected to cyclic loading. The results of this second campaign were compared with the numerical predictions using the pre-calibrated constitutive equation, allowing a double-blind validation of the constitutive equation of the isolation system. Finally, a numerical evaluation of the isolation system subjected to a synthetic earthquake of one component. This evaluation allowed verifying attributes of the proposed isolation system, such as its self-centering capacity and its effectiveness in reducing the absolute acceleration of the isolated mass and the shear load transmitted to the supporting beams of the rack. - PublicationStrong column-weak beam relationship of 3D steel joints with tubular columns: Assessment, validation and design proposalThe study of moment connections in steel structures subjected to cyclic loads has been extensively studied, providing a great number of requirements, including the strong column-weak beam relationship, to guarantee a satisfactory cyclic performance. However, investigations on the cyclic performance of moment connections considering the bidirectional and axial load effects simultaneously with tubular columns are limited. This study aims to assess and validate the strong column-weak beam relationship of 3D steel moment connections using reduced order models. The simplified model (reduced order model) approach was employed to extend the range of beam and column elements sizes and reduce the experimental and computational costs. These models were calibrated from full-scale experimental studies. A great number of configurations with different beam and column sizes without loss of reliability and structural representativeness of the studied phenomenon were studied. A total of 13640 simplified models were developed. Results show a cyclic behavior controlled by the strong column-weak beam relationship to modify the joint’s failure mechanism. The increasing of strong column-weak beam relationship and the biaxial effect caused degradation of the strength and stiffness as well as in dissipated energy. An optimal strong column-weak beam relationship was obtained for all joint configurations analyzed. Finally, a robust design procedure is proposed, ensuring the cyclic behavior of end-plate moment connection with built-up box column including biaxial effect and axial load. Therefore, the use of this type of moment connection can be used in special and intermediate moment frames designed according to Seismic provisions.
- PublicationSeismic performance of eccentrically braced frames with short-links: IDA approach using chilean earthquakes(Journal of Building Engineering, 2023)
;Mata, Ramón; ;Calo, ByronHerrera , RicardoIn this research the seismic performance of eccentrically braced frames (EBF) with short links using Chilean earthquakes is studied. The study includes nonlinear static and dynamic analyses, calibration of numerical link models with experimental studies, and over 15,000 models analyzed. Results show that higher ductility and deformation are obtained in most archetypes, while models with 8 stories exhibit more stiffness and less ductile behavior. Furthermore, the strength capacity and ductility increase with the increment of the seismic zone and soft type of soil. Moreover, the research provides a table with the seismic design parameters for each archetype group comparing these values with Chilean seismic specifications. Finally, the study concludes that structures designed with more strength and stiffness have a lower collapse probability under extreme events. This research provides valuable information for structural design and includes fragility curves and a discussion of results that can be applied to structural design. - PublicationIncremental dynamic analysis of steel storage racks subjected to Chilean earthquakesSteel storage racks are structures commonly used by all industries in Chile; nevertheless, due the seismic hazard in the country and its configurations, these structures are highly vulnerable to earthquakes and no specific regulations exist to design them. In this research, the seismic performance of steel storage racks subjected to Chilean Earthquakes was evaluated using nonlinear pushover and nonlinear dynamic analysis. The studied models consider different heights and global slenderness ratios in both directions and soil types. Racks were evaluated using an Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA) according to FEMA P695. Deformation values were exceeded in the down-aisle direction and the use of braces was necessary to control the interstory drift and high deformation levels. Also, the expected level of damage for drift design limits in models unbracing is not enough to keep the operation of the structures and more severe regulations are necessary to achieve a performance in agreement with Chilean design philosophy. Finally, the use of horizontal and lateral bracing improves the seismic performance of steel racks.
- PublicationCyclic behavior of 3D moment connections subjected to bidirectional load: Experimental approach(Engineering Structures, 2023)
; ;Bustos-Figueroa, Juan ;Mata-Lemus, Ramón; Lapeña-Mañero, PabloThis paper presents an experimental research to assess the cyclic behavior of a bolted moment connection with the use of optimized end-plate connected to built-up box column subassemblies subjected to bidirectional and unidirectional loading. Seven real scale specimens were tested: three specimens with four beams connected to column as interior joint, two specimens with two beams connected as corner joint configuration and two specimens with two beams connected to column as interior joint, according the protocol established in AISC Seismic provisions. The seismic performance was evaluated in terms of hysteretic behavior, failure mechanism, stiffness and dissipated energy. The joints studied were manufactured from of hot-rolled I-beams and square built-up box columns. The elements of connection such as bolts, welding, outer stiffeners and end-plates were designed to remain in elastic range from the flexural expected capacity of beams. The results showed that the required minimum moment of 0.8Mp at 0.04 rad of drift angle was achieved for all specimens tested. However, a higher stiffness and resistance was reached in configuration with unidirectional load (interior joint) in comparison to joint subjected to bidirectional load (corner joint). The damage was concentrated uniquely in beams, while an elastic behavior in columns and connection components was reached for 0.04 rad of drift angle. Finally, this moment connection configuration can be used as an alternative to design buildings with special moment frames under bidirectional loading considering the cyclic behavior of joints evaluated. - PublicationCorrelation between compressive strength of concrete and ultrasonic pulse velocity: A case of study and a new correlation methodConcrete strength assessment is an important topic in evaluating existing structures. Formerly, only destructive tests were employed, limiting the number of tests due to their complexity and cost. Nowadays, the application of non-destructive tests has been booming to determine material strength, offering a more accessible and cheaper strategy than its counterpart. Non-destructive strategies are based on two steps: (1) the identification of the correlation between the concrete strength and another parameter that is easy to measure in situ, and (2) the use of this easy-to-measure parameter to infer the concrete strength in any desired element of the structure. The most common parameter adopted for this purpose is the Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity (UPV). However, the correlation between concrete strength and UPV must be determined via destructive experiments. From the research perspective, attention has focused on determining the correlation coefficient and the range of credibility for estimating the inferred concrete strength. Despite it, this strategy has remained elusive in the fundamental understanding and accounting of the joint dispersion of the concrete strength and the UPV. The present work addresses this knowledge gap by proposing a new correlation method based on probability interpretations to infer the compressive concrete strength from in-situ UPV measurements and including the dispersion evidenced in UPV measurements in both steps mentioned. The results demonstrated that it is possible to determine the confidence interval for the concrete compressive strength given a certain percentile of the UPV measured in situ. Finally, the application of the proposed method is illustrated through a case study, which is representative of different building pathologies. This novel proposal is a foundation to deal with the uncertainties involved in non-destructive tests, inspiring future advances in this field.
- PublicationParametric study of 3D steel moment connections with built-up box column subjected to biaxial cyclic loadsIn this numerical research, the variation of cyclic behavior of beam-to-box column connection was studied. Dimensional and load conditions were parametrically evaluated with the goal of assessing the applicability and use of this biaxial moment connection according to the Seismic Provisions, such as bending strength and rotation capacity, secant and tangent stiffness, dissipated energy and strong column-weak beam relationship. A total of 83 different models of 3D connections were developed using in ANSYS software with the load at the top of the column. Results show a cyclic behavior not controlled by axial load. However, the variations of clear span to depth beam ratio caused degradation of the strength, secant and tangent stiffness as well as in dissipated energy. The 80% of plastic moment of beam and rotation at 4% interstory drift were reached for all models analyzed according to criteria established in AISC 341. Finally, the configurations designed with low levels of axial load are controlled by the design of the web panel zone shear, while configurations designed for high levels of axial load are controlled by the strong column-weak beam criterion.