Load-level isolator model for pallets on industrial storage racks and validation with experimental results
Sanhueza-Cartes, Marcelo
Roco-Videla, Angel
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
This paper introduces a system allows for seismic isolation of the pallet from the rack in the down-aisle direction, occupies minimal vertical space (5 cm) and ±7.5 cm of deformation range. A conceptual model of the isolation system is presented, leading to a constitutive equation governing its behavior. A first experimental campaign studying the response of the isolation system's components was conducted to calibrate the parameters of its constitutive equation. A second experimental campaign evaluated the response of the isolation system with mass placed on it, subjected to cyclic loading. The results of this second campaign were compared with the numerical predictions using the pre-calibrated constitutive equation, allowing a double-blind validation of the constitutive equation of the isolation system. Finally, a numerical evaluation of the isolation system subjected to a synthetic earthquake of one component. This evaluation allowed verifying attributes of the proposed isolation system, such as its self-centering capacity and its effectiveness in reducing the absolute acceleration of the isolated mass and the shear load transmitted to the supporting beams of the rack.
Constitutive numerical model
Double-blind validation
Down-aisle direction
Experimental tests
Pallet isolation