Research Outputs

Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
  • Publication
    Direct and indirect effects of SEWi, family human capital and social capital on organizational social capital in small family firms
    (Springer Nature, 2022) ; ;
    González-Serrano, María
    Given the importance of social capital in organizations, this research answers the question of how socioemotional wealth importance (SEWi), family human capital and family social capital influence organizational social capital in small family firms. Based on a sample of 334 small family businesses from the Biobío Region in Chile, a partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis (PLS-SEM) was performed. The results do not provide support for the predicted direct influence of family social capital on organizational social capital, but they support an indirect influence through SEWi and family human capital, both of which have a direct and positive influence on family firms’ organizational social capital. This means that SEWi and family human capital play a central role in generating organizational social capital in small family firms. It also suggests that both ability and willingness of family businesses play a role in allowing these firms to successfully transfer social capital from the family to the business system.
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    The Valley of Death of Start-ups: A Systematic Literature Review
    (Direccion y Organización, 2022)
    Zapata-Molina, Cesar
    Montes-Hincapié, Juan Manuel
    Londoño-Arias, José Alban
    Purpose: The main factor that contributes to the socioeconomic development of a local territory is entrepreneurship; unfortunately, start-ups in Latin America have high failure rates during the first 5 years of operation, failing to overcome the so-called valley of death. This article aims to determine how literature explains this phenomenon, mapping current knowledge and identifying gaps in the relevant literature. Design/methodology/approach: A bibliometric analysis was carried out in order to build a state of the art starting from a search equation elaborated with the Citation Pearl Growing technique, which was entered into the SCOPUS and Web of Science (WOS) indexers, then the study of keywords co-occurrence was carried out with the VOSviewer® software, and as a result, the content analysis of 91 articles was performed with ATLAS.ti®. Findings: The review allowed to classify three clusters: valley of death, causes of the valley of death, and how to overcome the valley of death. This article identifies and reflects on the perception of various authors. There are still gaps in the literature and this work will allow researchers, legislators, and entrepreneurs to have an approach to information and updated scientific knowledge and to continue with its development, to identify the causes and possible ways to face this phenomenon. Originality/value: This document offers a mapping of information and scientific knowledge related to the valley of death, referring to the early stage in which enterprises are more vulnerable and tend to fail.
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    An overview of sustainable entrepreneurship in tourism, destination, and hospitality research based on the Web of Science
    Sustainability, entrepreneurship and tourism, destination and hospitality research have attracted scholars’ attention for their relevance in bringing to fruition a future that links economic well-being with the environmental, cultural, and social sustainability of human beings. This article provides a bibliometric overview of the academic research where these topics intersect. To accomplish this, various bibliometric methods are implemented, which include a performance analysis and graphic mapping of the academic production in this specific topic. This research uses the Web of Science database to identify and classify the most preponderant investigations in the field and considers articles, authors, institutions, countries, and journals. To complete the performance analysis, a series of indicators, such as number of papers and number of citations, are used. Graphic visualization maps are produced using the co-citation and co-occurrence of keywords under the Visualization of Similarities—VOSviewer—software. The results show a growing concern for entrepreneurship in sustainable tourism development research, which is evidenced in the increasing number of studies during the last decade. Some influential research institutions and authors from countries including the USA, New Zealand, and Norway are found to be influential leaders in this topic. Additionally, the results show that journals from the area of hospitality, leisure, sport, and tourism are frontrunners in this subject.
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    Strategic planning research through fifty years of Long Range Planning: A bibliometric overview
    (Strategic Management, 2021) ;
    Merigó, José
    Miranda, Luis
    Martínez López, Francisco
    Long Range Planning (LRP) is the first journal focused on strategic planning. It was created in 1968 by the Long Range Planning Society, and it celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2018. This event led to the presentation of a complete bibliometric study aimed at identifying the most significant results that occurred in the journal during this period. For this purpose, bibliometric data were collected from the Web of Science Core Collection database, and two bibliometric approaches were used to analyze the journal's publications: a performance analysis and a graphical mapping of the literature. The first of these uses a wide range of productivity and influence indicators that include the number of publications and citations, the h-index, and citations by paper, among others. The second approach uses the VOSviewer software to deliver a graphical view of the various intellectual connections within LRP. The results of both bibliometric approaches are consistent and confirm LRP as a leading journal in strategic planning and management, with increasing participation of authors and universities from countries around the world.
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    The efect of ICT and higher‑order capabilities on the performance of Ibero‑American SMEs
    (Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, 2021) ;
    Matute Vallejo, Jorge
    Information and communication technologies (ICT) has the ability to create value by enabling other frm capabilities. Based on the ICT-enabled capabilities perspective, this study explores the direct and indirect efects between lower- and higher-order capabilities, such as ICT, knowledge management capability (KM) and product innovation fexibility (PIF), on the performance of Ibero-American small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This paper uses second-order structural equation models to test the research hypotheses with a sample of 130 Ibero-American SMEs. The results contribute to flling the gap in the SME-focused literature on empirical studies examining ICT-enabled capabilities and frm performance. The results show an enabling efect of ICT on higher-order capabilities, such as KM and PIF, which, by acting as mediating variables, create value and improve performance through innovation in frms.
  • Publication
    Does triple helix collaboration matter for the early internationalisation of technology-based firms in emerging Economies?
    (Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2021) ;
    Guerrero, Maribel
    Ernesto Amorós, José
    Firms’ early internationalisation (EI) is a complex process derived from uncertain market conditions, entrepreneurial vision, and strategic entry decisions. Academic debates still require deepening and broadening the discussion on early internationalisation of new technology-based firms (NTBFs). This study proposes a framework to analyse how NTBFs are adopting collaborative networks with the triple helix actors (government, university, and industry) to implement an EI strategy in emerging economies. Our findings show that the lack of specialised knowledge and resources stimulates collaboration with multiple triple helix agents to ensure the early entry strategy into international markets. We state the relevant implications and propositions concerning the inter- nationalisation of NTBFs and the relationship with triple helix stakeholders.
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    Emotions and sport management: A bibliometric overview
    (Frontiers, 2020) ;
    Alonso Dos Santos, Manuel
    Pozo-Estrada, Victor
    González-Serrano, María Huertas
    Inzunza-Mendoza, Williams
    Emotions are considered a fundamental aspect of sport scenarios, and within sports, consumer behavior is a very popular area of research in the sport management field. Thus, in recent years, there has been a growing interest for sport managers regarding the role that emotions play in sport consumer behavior. Thus, the aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the academic research on emotions in the sport management field using two techniques: a bibliometric performance analysis and a graphic mapping of the references in this field. This analysis focuses on authors, journals, papers, institutions and countries. Bibliometric indicators including the h-index measure, productivity and the number of citations were used to perform the performance analysis. Then, VOSviewer software was used to perform co-citation, bibliographic coupling and co-occurrence of keyword analysis (mapping analysis). The results of both types of analysis are consistent, with the United States being the most influential country in emotions in sport management research because the main authors and institutions in this research field belong to this country. The overall results indicate that the literature on this research topic has grown significantly in recent years in all scientific disciplines; however, the research topic is incipient, and therefore, the number of articles is still limited. Thus, this research presents the key aspects in the topic of emotions in sport management that could be helpful for researchers and policy makers in the field of sport management to make future decisions.
  • Publication
    Roggendorf: The challenge of internationalization of a family enterprise
    The case seeks to offer a tool to help students to integrate knowledge and develop analytical capabilities in the area of strategic management and internationalization of a family company. The case is developed for senior business students or MBA students, who should analyse if this family company should reconsider its strategy for entering the Chinese market. For that they can consult several articles that we recommend. Starting from the articles of Kuo, Kao, Chang and Chiu (2012) or Hollender, Zapkau and Schwens (2017), the students can argue for the Fariña-Roggendorf family the pros and cons of increasing family involvement and assigning responsibility to their son (or other family member) for developing their business in China vs insisting on strategic partners to support them in this enterprise. In the case that they decide develop their project themselves, the article by Li, He and Sousa (2017) sheds light for students to propose possible routes. In the case of suggesting the route of insisting with Chinese strategic partners, the article by De Massis, Frattini, Majocchi and Piscitello (2018) offers support for deciding between the option suggested by Isu Tsing vs the strategy implemented by the family up to now. This case study is designed for students to work in teams. The case is to be handed out a week before its reading. The teams should be made up beforehand and each team should bring a poster with the answers to the case questions.
  • Publication
    Knowledge management: A global examination based on bibliometric analysis
    (Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 2019) ;
    Merigó, José M.
    Knowledge management (KM) is a field of research that has gained wide acceptance in the scientific community and management literature. This article presents a bibliometric overview of the academic research on KM in the business and management areas. Various bibliometric methods are used to perform this overview, including performance analysis and science mapping of the KM field. The performance analysis uses a series of bibliometric indicators, such as the h-index, productivity and citations. In addition, the VOSviewer software is used to map the bibliographic material. Science mapping uses co-citations and the concurrency of keywords. References were obtained from the Web of Science database. We identified and classified the most relevant research in the field according to journals, articles, authors, institutions and countries. The results show that research in this field has increased significantly in the last ten years and that the USA is the most influential country in all aspects in this field. It is important to consider, however, that science continues to advance in this and in all fields and that data rapidly change over time. Therefore, this paper fulfills an informational role that shows that most of the fundamental research of KM is in business and management areas.
  • Publication
    International entrepreneurship: A critical review of the research field
    (European Journal of International Management, 2019) ;
    Hormiga, Esther
    Miravitlles, Paloma
    Blanco-Mesa, Fabio
    This study provides a comprehensive review of the International Entrepreneurship (IE) literature and analyses its evolution in relation to the criticisms made by previous reviews. For this purpose, 272 articles published in 20 journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report for the 1989-2015 period were analysed in depth. The results reveal that researchers have increasingly worked to address these criticisms. Nevertheless, these efforts have not been sufficient since theoretical difficulties that prevent a better understanding of the IE field continue. Therefore, this study conducts a critical discussion of these difficulties: the disparity between IE definitions, the terminological disparity between rapidly internationalising firms, and the inclusion of studies that compare entrepreneurship at the national level between countries. Finally, to improve understanding and enable further progress in IE research, recommendations and a roadmap for future research are proposed.