Dr. Concha-Aguilera, Patrick
Nombre de publicaciĂ³n
Dr. Concha-Aguilera, Patrick
Nombre completo
Concha Aguilera, Patrick Keissy
25 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationNon-relativistic limit of the Mielke–Baekler gravity theory(Springer Nature, 2024)
; ; Merino, NelsonIn this paper, we present a generalized nonrelativistic Chern–Simons gravity model in three spacetime dimensions. We first study the non-relativistic limit of the Mielke–Baekler gravity through a contraction process. The resulting non-relativistic theory contains a source for the spatial component of the torsion and the curvature measured in terms of two parameters, denoted by p and q. We then extend our results by defining a Newtonian version of the Mielke–Baekler gravity theory, based on a Newtonian like algebra which is obtained from the non-relativistic limit of an enhanced and enlarged relativistic algebra. Remarkably, in both cases, different known non-relativistic and Newtonian gravity theories can be derived by fixing the (p, q) parameters. In particular, torsionless models are recovered for q = 0. - PublicationExtended kinematical 3D gravity theories(Springer Nature, 2024)
; ; ;Pino, DanielRavera, LucreziaIn this work, we classify all extended and generalized kinematical Lie algebras that can be obtained by expanding the so (2, 2) algebra. We show that the Lie algebra expansion method based on semigroups reproduces not only the original kinematical algebras but also a family of non- and ultra-relativistic algebras. Remarkably, the extended kinematical algebras obtained as sequential expansions of the AdS algebra are characterized by a non-degenerate bilinear invariant form, ensuring the construction of a well-defned Chern-Simons gravity action in three spacetime dimensions. Contrary to the contraction process, the degeneracy of the non-Lorentzian theories is avoided without extending the relativistic algebra but considering a bigger semigroup. Using the properties of the expansion procedure, we show that our construction also applies at the level of the Chern-Simons action. - PublicationHietarinta Chern–Simons supergravity and its asymptotic structure(Springer Nature, 2024)
; ; Fierro, OctavioIn this paper we present the Hietarinta Chern–Simons supergravity theory in three space-time dimensions which extends the simplest Poincaré supergravity theory. After approaching the construction of the action using the Chern–Simons formalism, the analysis of the corresponding asymptotic symmetry algebra is considered. For this purpose, we first propose a consistent set of asymptotic boundary conditions for the aforementioned supergravity theory whose underlying symmetry corresponds to the supersymmetric extension of the Hietarinta algebra. We then show that the corresponding charge algebra contains the superbms3 algebra as subalgebra, and has three independent central charges. We also show that the obtained asymptotic symmetry algebra can alternatively be recovered as a vanishing cosmological constant limit of three copies of the Virasoro algebra, one of which is augmented by supersymmetry. - PublicationFour dimensional topological supergravities from transgression field theory( Springer Nature, 2024)
; ; ;Izaurieta, FernandoSalgado, SebastiĂ¡nIn this work, we propose a four-dimensional gauged Wess-Zumino-Witten model, obtained as a dimensional reduction from a transgression field theory invariant under the N = 1 PoincarĂ© supergroup. For this purpose, we consider that the two gauge connections on which the transgression action principle depends are given by linear and non-linear realizations of the gauge group respectively. The field content of the resulting four-dimensional theory is given by the gauge fields of the linear connection, in addition to a set of scalar and spinor multiplets in the same representation of the gauge supergroup, which in turn, correspond to the coordinates of the coset space between the gauge group and the five-dimensional Lorentz group. We then decompose the action in terms of four-dimensional quantities and derive the corresponding equations of motion. We extend our analysis to the non- and ultra- relativistic regimes. - PublicationNon-relativistic gravity theories in four spacetime dimensions(Journal of High Energy Physics, 2023)
; ; Rubio, GustavoIn this work we present a non-relativistic gravity theory defined in four spacetime dimensions using the MacDowell-Mansouri geometrical formulation. We obtain a Newtonian gravity action which is constructed from the curvature of a Newton-Hooke version of the so-called Newtonian algebra. We show that the non-relativistic gravity theory presented here contains the Poisson equation in presence of a cosmological constant. Moreover we make contact with the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) approach for gravity by considering a particular ansatz for a given gauge field. We extend our results to a generalized non-relativistic MacDowell-Mansouri gravity theory by considering a generalized Newton-Hooke algebra. - PublicationExact flavored black p-branes and self-gravitating instantons from toroidal black holes with Skyrme hair(Purpose-Led Publishing, 2023)
; ; ;HenrĂquez-Baez, CarlaVera, AldoIn this paper, using the maximal embedding of SU(2) into SU(N) in the Euler angles parametrization, we construct a novel family of exact solutions of the Einstein SU(N)-Skyrme model. First, we present a hairy toroidal black hole in D ¼ 4 dimensions. This solution is asymptotically locally anti–de Sitter and is characterized by discrete hair parameters. Then, we perform a dimensional extension of the black hole to obtain black p-branes as solutions of the Einstein SU(N)-nonlinear sigma model in D ≥ 5 dimensions. These are homogeneous and topologically protected. Finally we show that, through a Wick rotation of the toroidal black hole, one can construct an exact self-gravitating instanton. The role that the flavor number N plays in the geometry and thermodynamics of these configurations is also discussed. - PublicationThree-dimensional hypergravity theories and semigroup expansion method(Springer Nature, 2023)
; ; ;Caroca, Ricardo ;Matulich, JavierTempo, DavidIn this work, we apply the semigroup expansion method of Lie algebras to construct novel and known three-dimensional hyper-gravity theories. We show that the expansion procedure considered here yields a consistent way of coupling different three-dimensional Chern-Simons gravity theories with massless spin- 5/2 gauge fields. First, by expanding the osp (1|4) superalgebra with a particular semigroup a generalized hyper-PoincarĂ© algebra is found. Interestingly, the hyper-PoincarĂ© and hyper-Maxwell algebras appear as subalgebras of this generalized hyper-symmetry algebra. Then, we show that the generalized hyper-PoincarĂ© CS gravity action can be written as a sum of diverse hyper-gravity CS Lagrangians. We extend our study to a generalized hyper-AdS gravity theory by considering a different semigroup. Both generalized hyperalgebras are then found to be related through an InönĂ¼-Wigner contraction which can be seen as a generalization of the existing vanishing cosmological constant limit between the hyper-AdS and hyper-PoincarĂ© gravity theories. - PublicationThree-dimensional Newtonian gravity with cosmological constant and torsion(The European Physical Journal C, 2023)
; ; ;Rubio, GustavoYañez, PaolaIn this paper we present an alternative cosmological extension of the three-dimensional extended Newtonian Chern–Simons gravity by switching on the torsion. The theory is obtained as a non-relativistic limit of an enhancement and U (1)-enlargement of the so-called teleparallel algebra and can be seen as the teleparallel analogue of the Newtonian gravity theory. The infinite-dimensional extension ofour result is also explored through the Lie algebra expansion method. An infinite-dimensional torsional Galilean gravity model is presented which in the vanishing cosmological constant limit reproduces the infinite-dimensional extension of the Galilean gravity theory. - PublicationThree-dimensional non-relativistic supergravity and torsion(European Physical Journal C, 2022)
; ; Ravera, LucreziaIn this paper we present a torsional non-relativi-stic Chern–Simons (super)gravity theory in three spacetime dimensions. We start by developing the non-relativistic limit of the purely bosonic relativistic teleparallel Chern–Simons formulation of gravity. On-shell the latter yields a non-Riemannian setup with non-vanishing torsion, which, at non-relativistic level, translates into a non-vanishing spatial torsion sourced by the cosmological constant. Then we consider the three-dimensional relativistic N= 2 teleparallel Chern–Simons supergravity theory and obtain its non-relativistic counterpart by exploiting a Lie algebra expansion method. The non-relativistic supergravity theory is characterized, on-shell, by a non-vanishing spatial super-torsion, again sourced by the cosmological constant. - PublicationNon-relativistic and ultra-relativistic expansions of three-dimensional spin-3 gravity theories(Springer Nature, 2022)
; ; HenrĂquez-Baez, CarlaIn this paper, we present novel and known non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic spin-3 algebras, by considering the Lie algebra expansion method. We start by applying the expansion procedure using different semigroups to the spin-3 extension of the AdS algebra, leading to spin-3 extensions of known non-relativistic and ultra-relativistic algebras. We then generalize the procedure considering an infinite-dimensional semigroup, which allows to obtain a spin-3 extension of two new infinite families of the Newton-Hooke type and AdS Carroll type. We also present the construction of the gravity theories based on the aforementioned algebras. In particular, the expansion method based on semigroups also allows to derive the (non-degenerate) invariant bilinear forms, ensuring the proper construction of the Chern-Simons gravity actions. Interestingly, in the vanishing cosmological constant limit we recover the spin-3 extensions of the infinite-dimensional Galilean and infinite-dimensional Carroll gravity theories.