Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe
Research Outputs
Mental health in school teachers: An explanatory model with emotional intelligence and coping strategies
2023, Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, López-Angulo, Yaranay, Mella-Norambuena, Javier, Hartley, Kendall
Introduction. Even before the pandemic began, teachers faced multiple challenges such as diverse student populations with widely varying needs, excessive workloads, lack of community support, and adverse working conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these problems. The teachers have been increasingly susceptible to stress, anxiety, and depression. The objective of this research was to evaluate the mediation effect of coping strategies on the relationship between emotional intelligence and teachers' mental health. Method. The design was explanatory with latent cross-sectional variables. The sample was 1668 Chilean school level teachers, 331 (19.8%) were men, and 1337 (80.2%) were women; the mean age was 42.08 years (SD = 11.50). Three scale self-report were used: the emotional intelligence WLEIS, the scale DASS-21 was used to measure mental health levels y, the short version of the COPE-28, for coping strategies. Results. This study showed that high levels of anxiety, depression, and stress are significantly related to the lower emotional intelligence of teachers. The strongest relationships are between mental health variables and the emotional intelligence evaluation and regulation of emotions. The results indicated that the dimensions of emotional intelligence predicted 22%, 26%, and 23% of the variance in anxiety, depression, and stress, respectively. The estimated mediation model showed satisfactory fit indices. For anxiety, active coping and religion were mediated, and for stress, substance abuse, self-distraction and disengagement were mediated. Also, the results showed indirect effects of two maladaptive coping strategies (denial and self-blame) between the relationship of emotional intelligence the dimensions and depression, anxiety, and stress. Discussion and Conclusion. Explanatory models can be the basis for specific strategies to treat stress, anxiety, and depression in teachers. Considering the importance of the teaching role, the results of this study are useful to guide intervention actions that strengthen the management of emotions and the identification and use of effective coping strategies for the promotion of mental health.
Liderazgo directivo y cambio educativo: Análisis de una experiencia de colaboración Universidad-Escuela
2020, Dra. Aparicio-Molina, Carolina, Dra. Contreras-Sanzana, Gladys, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Valverde-Huincatripay, Ximena, Cárdenas-Merino, Víctor, Valenzuela-Ravanal, Marcela
El propósito de este artículo es analizar las implicancias de un Plan de Trabajo, diseñado por el equipo de investigación, para orientar procesos de mejora que se estaban desarrollando en el equipo directivo de un establecimiento educacional integrante de una Red de Colaboración Universidad-Escuela. En el plan se consideraron fases basadas en la revisión del Modelo de Liderazgo Instruccional y el fortalecimiento de las competencias de liderazgo a partir de las comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje. Se siguió un diseño metodológico correspondiente a un estudio descriptivo de casos de método mixto y transformador. Los resultados evidenciaron que el plan fue una experiencia de acompañamiento que facilitó al equipo directivo una real orientación al cambio y al desarrollo de capacidades para dar respuesta a las exigencias propias de la institución educativa que dirigían.
Caracterización psicosocial y salud mental en familias de escolares chilenos durante el aislamiento físico por la Covid-19
2020, Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Olea-González, Constanza, Mella-Norambuena, Javier, López-Angulo, Yaranay, García-Vásquez, Héctor, Cobo-Rendón, Rubia
Los objetivos del estudio fueron caracterizar variables psicosociales y académicas en familias de escolares de primaria y secundaria del sur de Chile en aislamiento físico y analizar la salud mental de padres y madres. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo transversal. Se consideraron dos etapas. En la primera se aplicó una encuesta ad-hoc a 8.102 familias. En la segunda se aplicó el instrumento DASS-21 a una muestra de 59. Los resultados de la primera etapa evidenciaron en las familias que el 40% tenía un integrante sin trabajo remunerado, un ingreso menor a $440, y la gran mayoría no disponía de computador. Los escolares han sentido ansiedad, miedos nocturnos, mal humor o agresividad, varios no han realizado tareas escolares y reportaron dificultades motivacionales, la mayoría no ha dedicado suficiente tiempo al estudio y se han dedicado a ver series. En la segunda etapa, el 57,6% de los padres y madres presentó ansiedad severa, el 50,8% estrés y un 83% depresión. Se concluye que las familias carecen de recursos para el desarrollo efectivo de la educación en línea. Se requieren acciones especializadas para "mitigar" el impacto del aislamiento físico por Covid-19 en variables socio-académicas y de salud mental en escolares y sus familias.
Improving educational leadership of Chilean school principals: A research proposal to develop instructional leadership capacity
2015, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe
During the last decade in Chile, a strong social movement that calls for improving accessibility and quality of public funded education has resulted on developing reforms aimed to change the system paradigms. The current administration is committed to develop transformational reforms directed to improve schools facilities, acquiring new educational materials and improving the working conditions and professional development opportunities for teachers. School principals capable to lead the process become a relevant piece to carry out the new educational reform. This research uses the instructional leadership framework to gather information about Chilean school principals’ leadership skills. It is proposed to use the Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale (PIMRS) to assess the principals’ perceptions and how teachers perceive the school leaders’ instructional leadership behavior. The gathered data will be helpful to identify the strengths and weakness of Chilean school leaders and to develop conceptual models to better understand the causal relationships between the principal leadership, the school contexts and the students’ academic achievement.
Caracterización de prácticas pedagógicas de personal docente adscrito a liceos del programa de acompañamiento y acceso efectivo a la educación superior (PACE)
2019, Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Calderón, Edith, Espinoza, María José
El programa de Acompañamiento y Acceso Efectivo a la Educación Superior (PACE) tiene como objetivo final entregar una oportunidad de continuidad de estudios a nivel superior para estudiantes que asisten a establecimientos educacionales con altos índices de vulnerabilidad social. El PACE está diseñado para trabajar desde tercer año de enseñanza media con el objetivo de entregar orientación vocacional y apoyar la formación académica. Este estudio describe los resultados de un diagnóstico sobre prácticas pedagógicas en el área de lenguaje y comunicación y matemáticas, desarrollado en 15 liceos de la región del Biobío, Chile. Se realizaron observaciones de clase a 58 docentes con el objetivo de caracterizar la practicas pedagógicas. Los resultados fueros utilizados para trabajar con cada docente en la implementación de nuevas metodologías de enseñanza acordadas entre el equipo de Preparación y Acompañamiento Docente del PACE UCSC y cada docente de aula.
Differences and associations in symbolic and non-symbolic early numeracy competencies of Chilean kinder grade children, considering socioeconomic status of schools
2020, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Cristina, Peake-Mestre, Christian
The central purpose of the present study is to assess the early numeracy skills of Chilean kindergarten students, taking into consideration the socioeconomic status (SES) of the schools they attend. A sample of 19 urban schools and 498 students were used for the study. Research Findings: The data analysis showed statistical differences in the results of students from low SES schools compared with medium and high SES schools in four symbolic number tasks: counting fluency, oral number identification, oral number comparison, and non-oral number comparison. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed a direct contribution of school vulnerability index, non-symbolic number tasks, and symbolic number tasks in number comparison performance. These analyses also revealed that school vulnerability index made a loose predictive contribution when symbolic number tasks were introduced into the model. Practice or Policy: The achievement gap detected in the early stages of formal education will most likely increase with time. Early detection of mathematics learning difficulties, effective intervention, and training of teaching staff may be means of equalizing the performance of students from different socioeconomic backgrounds.
Motivation and Mathematical Performance Using Digital Game-Based Learning in Kindergarten
2024, Varas-Pavez, Antonia, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Balladares, Jaime, Peake, Christian
This study investigates the relationship between intrinsic motivation, mathematics performance, and digital game-based learning (DGBL) in kindergarten students. The research sample comprised 292 children aged 5 to 6 years from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds. Instruments included an adapted Children’s Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction Scale for measuring motivation and the Woodcock-Muñoz IV battery for mathematical assessment. DGBL was implemented using software designed for training early numeracy skills. Descriptive and correlational analyses revealed significant positive correlations between intrinsic motivation and general mathematical knowledge. However, no significant correlations were found between motivation and early numeracy skills in the DGBL environment. The findings highlight the importance of intrinsic motivation in early mathematical learning and suggest the potential effectiveness of DGBL in promoting mathematical skills, contributing to reducing the gap of knowledge at this educational level. This study provides valuable insights for educators seeking to enhance mathematical learning through intrinsic motivation and DGBL strategies in kindergarten education.
Harnessing AI for Education 4.0: Drivers of personalized learning
2024, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Barrera Castro, Gina, Chiappe, Andrés, Becerra Rodriguez, Diego
Personalized learning, a pedagogical approach tailored to individual needs and capacities, has garnered considerable attention in the era of artificial intelligence (AI) and the fourth industrial revolution. This systematic literature review aims to identify key drivers of personalized learning and critically assess the role of AI in reinforcing these drivers. Following PRISMA guidelines, a thorough search was conducted across major peer-reviewed journal databases, resulting in the inclusion of 102 relevant studies published between 2013 and 2022. A combination of qualitative and quantitative analyses, employing categorization and frequency analysis techniques, was performed to discern patterns and insights from the literature. The findings of this review highlight several critical drivers that contribute to the effectiveness of personalized learning, both from a broad view of education and in the specific context of e-learning. Firstly, recognizing and accounting for individual student characteristics is foundational to tailoring educational experiences. Secondly, personalizing content delivery and instructional methods ensures that learning materials resonate with learners' preferences and aptitudes. Thirdly, customizing assessment and feedback mechanisms enables educators to provide timely and relevant guidance to learners. Additionally, tailoring user interfaces and learning environments fosters engagement and accessibility, catering to diverse learning styles and needs. Moreover, the integration of AI presents significant opportunities to enhance personalized learning. AI-driven solutions offer capabilities such as automated learner profiling, adaptive content recommendation, real-time assessment, and the development of intelligent user interfaces, thereby augmenting the personalization of learning experiences. However, the successful adoption of AI in personalized learning requires addressing various challenges, including the need to develop educators' competencies, refine theoretical frameworks, and navigate ethical considerations surrounding data privacy and bias. By providing a comprehensive understanding of the drivers and implications of AI-driven personalized learning, this review offers valuable insights for educators, researchers, and policymakers in the Education 4.0 era. Leveraging the transformative potential of AI while upholding robust pedagogical principles, personalized learning holds the promise of unlocking tailored educational experiences that maximize individual potential and relevance in the digital economy.
Prácticas docentes vinculadas al desarrollo de comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje
2024, Dr. Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe, Dra. Aparicio-Molina, Carolina
La profesión docente es una actividad clave para el desarrollo de la sociedad; por lo tanto, el análisis de las condiciones laborales de los docentes se ha convertido en un tema de gran importancia debido a los desafíos e implicancias que debe enfrentar el profesorado. Un factor relevante que permita dar respuesta a las múltiples demandas requiere que el profesorado pueda avanzar en la conformación de prácticas multidisciplinarias, así como la disposición para el trabajo colaborativo. En este artículo de investigación se analiza la cultura de trabajo colaborativo docente, considerando las dimensiones que son identificadas como relevantes para promocionar una cultura escolar que promueve el desarrollo de una comunidad profesional de aprendizaje (CPA). De esta forma, se utiliza una estrategia metodológica mixta donde se registra información sobre prácticas pedagógicas vinculadas al desarrollo de una cultura de trabajo colaborativo y los desafíos que el profesorado identifica para la implementación de una cpa en sus establecimientos escolares. 52 docentes de 16 establecimientos de educación secundaria participaron en el estudio. Con base en las seis dimensiones que caracterizan el desarrollo de una cultura escolar colaborativa, los resultados evidencian diferencias en la implementación de prácticas pedagógicas que promueven una cultura escolar tradicional o vinculada a una CPA. De la misma manera, se identificaron diferencias entre la percepción de los docentes y miembros del equipo directivo. Finalmente, los resultados de esta investigación pueden ser de gran utilidad para la toma de decisiones que impacten en la cultura organizacional y que permitan avanzar hacia la conformación de una CPA efectiva.
Teacher professional development: Perspectives from a research experience with teachers
2023, Aparicio-Molina, Carolina, Sepulveda-Lopez, Felipe
To analyze the scope of realization of professional learning communities with teachers and management teams who implemented that intervention during two years in a high school in the south of Chile. Methodology. In this applied research, teachers participated in phases of diagnosis of training needs for professional development. Based on this, a proposal of work sessions theoretically and methodologically linked to the professional learning communities was structured. The proposal was designed and implemented together with the school’s management team. After the implementation, the study followed with qualitative interviews and focal groups about the experience conducted with 17 participants; these instances were analyzed by thematic analysis following the phenomenological approach. Analysis of Results. The analyses allowed the emergence of three elements related to professional learning and agency capacity. It was especially evident that teachers recognized their capacity to take charge of their professional learning by considering work routines, focusing on learning as a positive factor among teachers and being important in all phases of a collaborative work design.Conclusions. The findings show that, although specific stimuli, spaces, and moments are required to encourage teachers’ work, it is possible to improve based on their own capacities, i.e., within each establishment, there is the possibility of achieving learning for all. This call is addressed to pedagogical leaders, who can modify their roles and adapt to professionals recognized as agents of change.
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