Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola
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Dra. Sáez-Delgado, Fabiola
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Sáez Delgado, Fabiola Mabel
21 results
Research Outputs
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- PublicationMental health in school teachers: An explanatory model with emotional intelligence and coping strategies(University of Almería , 2023)
; ; ;López-Angulo, Yaranay ;Mella-Norambuena, JavierHartley, KendallIntroduction. Even before the pandemic began, teachers faced multiple challenges such as diverse student populations with widely varying needs, excessive workloads, lack of community support, and adverse working conditions. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these problems. The teachers have been increasingly susceptible to stress, anxiety, and depression. The objective of this research was to evaluate the mediation effect of coping strategies on the relationship between emotional intelligence and teachers' mental health. Method. The design was explanatory with latent cross-sectional variables. The sample was 1668 Chilean school level teachers, 331 (19.8%) were men, and 1337 (80.2%) were women; the mean age was 42.08 years (SD = 11.50). Three scale self-report were used: the emotional intelligence WLEIS, the scale DASS-21 was used to measure mental health levels y, the short version of the COPE-28, for coping strategies. Results. This study showed that high levels of anxiety, depression, and stress are significantly related to the lower emotional intelligence of teachers. The strongest relationships are between mental health variables and the emotional intelligence evaluation and regulation of emotions. The results indicated that the dimensions of emotional intelligence predicted 22%, 26%, and 23% of the variance in anxiety, depression, and stress, respectively. The estimated mediation model showed satisfactory fit indices. For anxiety, active coping and religion were mediated, and for stress, substance abuse, self-distraction and disengagement were mediated. Also, the results showed indirect effects of two maladaptive coping strategies (denial and self-blame) between the relationship of emotional intelligence the dimensions and depression, anxiety, and stress. Discussion and Conclusion. Explanatory models can be the basis for specific strategies to treat stress, anxiety, and depression in teachers. Considering the importance of the teaching role, the results of this study are useful to guide intervention actions that strengthen the management of emotions and the identification and use of effective coping strategies for the promotion of mental health. - PublicationPredictive model of the dropout intention of Chilean university students(Frontiers in Psychology, 2023)
;López-Angulo, Yaranay; ;Mella-Norambuena, Javier ;Bernardo, Ana B.Díaz-Mujica, AlejandroDropping out of university studies is one of the current problems of Higher Education; the increased rates during the first year of the study programme is considerable around the world. Dropping out has negative social implications that are reflected at the personal, family, institutional, and educational levels. The aim of this study was to evaluate a predictive model considering the mediation of university social satisfaction and perceived academic performance within the relations between perceived social support, social self-efficacy and academic purposes with career satisfaction and dropout intention in Chilean university students. A non-experimental explanatory design of latent and observed variables was used. Structural equation analyses with Mplus software were performed. The sample consisted of 956 first year university students. The study complied with the ethical requirements for research with human subjects. As a result, a predictive model with adequate adjustment indexes was obtained. When evaluating the explanatory capacity through the coefficient of determination (R2), it was observed that it explains 38.9 and 27.4% of the variance of the dropout intention and career satisfaction, respectively. This percentage of explanation indicates a large effect size in Social Sciences; therefore, they are considered adequate predictive models. The mediation of university social satisfaction on the relationships between social support, social self-efficacy, and academic purposes with academic adjustment and dropout intention was, respectively, confirmed. The perception of academic performance has less influence on dropout intention and on career satisfaction among first-year students. The model obtained allows explaining the dropout intention and career satisfaction in first year students. In addition, it is composed of variables that can potentially be modified in the interaction of students and professors. - PublicationTeacher self-regulation and its relationship with student self-regulation in secondary education(MDPI, 2022)
; ;Baeza-Sepúlveda, Catherine ;Contreras-Saavedra, Carolina ;Lozano-Peña, Gisela ;López-Angulo, YaranayMella-Norambuena, JavierSelf-regulation is relevant to understanding the teaching–learning process; however, few studies have focused on teachers’ self-regulatory processes. The aim of this study was to characterize and analyze the relationship between teachers’ and students’ self-regulation. The design was cross-sectional and correlational. The sample consisted of 1481 participants (students n = 1123 and teachers n = 358) from 25 secondary schools in 17 cities of the Biobío region of Chile. In students, self-regulatory strategies were found to be deployed only half of the time; women were more self-regulated, and there was no difference in the levels of self-regulation according to grade. Teachers, it was found, almost always self-regulate their teaching, and the variables that influence their self-regulation are motivation, gender, and age, explaining between 25% and 28% of the variance. Positive and small correlations were evidenced between teacher role disposition with learning performance (rho = 0.10, p < 0.05) and teacher role self-evaluation with both learning performance and self-evaluation of learning in their students (rho = 0.12, p < 0.05). This study provides relevant evidence and proposes changes that could have a positive impact on teacher training and improve current teaching–learning practices in Chile, which would contribute to the quality of education. - PublicationAssociation between self-regulation of learning, forced labor insertion, technological barriers, and dropout intention in Chile(Frontiers in Education, 2021)
; ;Mella-Norambuena, Javier ;López-Angulo, Yaranay ;Olea-González, Constanza ;García-Vásquez, HéctorPorte, BárbaraEarly dropout and retention of students are critical problems in both secondary and higher education. Existing models that predict the intention to drop out require the incorporation of complex variables strongly related to student success, such as self-regulated learning. Moreover, new possible predictors have emerged in the context of a pandemic. This study set out to validate scales that measure the phases of self-regulation of learning in Chilean secondary school students and determine the association between self-regulation, forced labor insertion, technological barrier, and intention to quit during COVID-19. An instrumental design was carried out, where 251 students participated, and a cross-sectional predictive design with a sample of 171. Results showed adequate psychometric properties in assessment scales for self-regulation. Furthermore, the logistic regression model carried out to predict the dropout intention was significant. The final model showed that external causal attributions, planning self-evaluation, forced labor insertion, and technological barriers were significant predictors, achieving a success rate of 84.8%. In conclusion, although many factors are considered in dropout intention models, this study incorporated self-regulation skills that can be promoted in students and systematically integrated into school programs to help reduce dropout rates in secondary education, therefore contributing to a successful transition to higher education. - PublicationEfectividad de las intervenciones con tecnologías para promover la autorregulación del aprendizaje en estudiantes universitarios: Un metaanálisis(Texto livre Linguagem e Tecnologia, 2023)
; ;Parra, Francisca; ;Mella-Norambuena, JavierLópez-Angulo, YaranaySon prometedores los beneficios de la incorporación de tecnologías en educación. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar las intervenciones desarrolladas para promover la autorregulación de aprendizaje con uso de tecnologías y determinar su efectividad. El método fue un metaanálisis basado en los estándares PRISMA identificando estudios en Web of Science, Scopus y Eric y su posterior análisis y selección usando el software Rayyan. La muestra fue de 6 estudios. Los análisis de datos se realizaron con el software Jamovi. Los resultados evidenciaron una caracterización insuficiente de las intervenciones respecto del número, frecuencia y duración de las sesiones, todas usaron el modelo de autorregulación de Zimmerman, pero pocos estudios especificaron un modelo tecnológico. Los tipos de tecnologías usados fueron LMS y aplicaciones móviles, y los instrumentos fueron escalas tipo Likert de autoinforme. El metaanálisis evidenció que las intervenciones fueron efectivas, aportó una estimación de 0.55 con un intervalo de confianza al 95% de 0.22, 0.88. La prueba de tamaño del efecto total fue significativa (z = 3.25, p = 0.001). Se concluye que las intervenciones con uso de tecnologías son efectivas en la promoción de la autorregulación. Se presentan implicaciones prácticas considerando estos resultados para la Educación Superior. - PublicationProceso de diseño de un cuestionario de aprendizaje autorregulado para estudiantes de Educación Secundaria(Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, 2023)
; ;López-Angulo, Yaranay ;Arias-Roa, Nicole ;Mella-Norambuena, JavierCobo-Rendón, RubiaLos procesos de autorregulación del aprendizaje están vinculados positivamente con el desempeño académico, el compromiso y éxito escolar. Se necesita diseñar instrumentos para su medición en el contexto educativo latinoamericano. El objetivo de este estudio fue diseñar, validar y analizar la factibilidad de aplicación de un instrumento de autorregulación del aprendizaje para estudiantes de Educación Media en Chile. Se realizaron análisis de acuerdo absoluto de jueces para la validación de contenido, entrevistas cognitivas y aplicaciones piloto para el análisis de la factibilidad del instrumento diseñado. Los resultados mostraron un acuerdo de jueces en relación con los ítems y dimensiones del instrumento, además de cumplir con los criterios de factibilidad para su aplicación. Se concluye que el instrumento es válido y factible de ser aplicado en estudiantes de Educación Media en Chile. - PublicationCaracterización psicosocial y salud mental en familias de escolares chilenos durante el aislamiento físico por la Covid-19(Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social, 2020)
; ; ;Olea-González, Constanza ;Mella-Norambuena, Javier ;López-Angulo, Yaranay ;García-Vásquez, HéctorCobo-Rendón, RubiaLos objetivos del estudio fueron caracterizar variables psicosociales y académicas en familias de escolares de primaria y secundaria del sur de Chile en aislamiento físico y analizar la salud mental de padres y madres. Se utilizó un diseño descriptivo transversal. Se consideraron dos etapas. En la primera se aplicó una encuesta ad-hoc a 8.102 familias. En la segunda se aplicó el instrumento DASS-21 a una muestra de 59. Los resultados de la primera etapa evidenciaron en las familias que el 40% tenía un integrante sin trabajo remunerado, un ingreso menor a $440, y la gran mayoría no disponía de computador. Los escolares han sentido ansiedad, miedos nocturnos, mal humor o agresividad, varios no han realizado tareas escolares y reportaron dificultades motivacionales, la mayoría no ha dedicado suficiente tiempo al estudio y se han dedicado a ver series. En la segunda etapa, el 57,6% de los padres y madres presentó ansiedad severa, el 50,8% estrés y un 83% depresión. Se concluye que las familias carecen de recursos para el desarrollo efectivo de la educación en línea. Se requieren acciones especializadas para "mitigar" el impacto del aislamiento físico por Covid-19 en variables socio-académicas y de salud mental en escolares y sus familias. - PublicationPsychometric properties of the SocioEmotional Skills Instrument for Teachers using network approach: English and Spanish versionThe importance of socioemotional teaching skills has been highlighted for its link with better academic, social, emotional, and behavioral results of students, as well as for its contribution to the work wellbeing, mental health, and prosperity of teachers. However, there are few instruments that measure these skills in teachers in the context of their professional practice. The purpose of this research was to analyze the psychometric properties of the socioemotional Skills Instrument for Teachers (SEMS-IT). An instrumental design and a sample of 853 Chilean secondary school teachers were used. To evaluate the dimensional structure of the instrument, a portion of the sample (n = 468) underwent a network estimation method with exploratory graph analysis (EGA) using a Gaussian GLASSO model. Then, in order to confirm the structural consistency and stability of the items, the analysis was replicated in a second sample (n = 385), where these results were additionally contrasted with those of the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The EGA findings confirmed a structure of four dimensions and 19 items in total: (a) cognitive management of teacher emotion (four items), (b) teacher empathic concern (four items), (c) teacher–student relationship (four items), and (d) adverse classroom climate (seven items), with a 7-point Likert scale response format. The CFA showed good and acceptable fit indicators, X2(171) = 354.546 (p < 0.001), Comparative Fit Index (CFI) = 0.971, Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) = 0.966, Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) = 0.061, and Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) = 0.062. In conclusion, a tool for the assessment of teachers’ socioemotional skills, valid for school-based educational research, is provided. Implications of the findings at the theoretical and practical levels are discussed, as well as limitations and future projections for future research.
- PublicationGénero y autorregulación en estudiantes(AG Editor, 2024)
; ;Contreras-Saavedra, Carolina ;Contreras-Saavedra, Carla ;Mella-Norambuena, JavierLópez- Angulo, YaranayIntroducción: La literatura declara la importancia de la autorregulación y el género en contextos escolares. Por ello es necesario revisar la evidencia publicada sobre cómo interactúan ambas variables. Objetivo: Describir las investigaciones que aborden las variables género y autorregulación en contexto escolar.Métodos: se lleva a cabo una revisión con el método PRISMA, indagando en tres bases de datos, Scopus, Web of Science (WOS), y SciELO en julio de 2023, donde se consideraron estudios en contexto escolar de primera infancia, primaria y secundaria. Resultados: Se analizaron 19 de 94 artículos identificados. De ellos, todos son cuantitativos y mayormente de tipo explicativo. Las medias declaradas señalan que las estudiantes de género femenino mostraron niveles más altos de autorregulación que los de género masculino. Se muestran claras diferencias de resultados entre distintas culturas, y género es usado como variable predictora y moderadora de la autorregulación y otras variables. Sobre el lenguaje usado para referirse al género, se hallaron 17 publicaciones que usan términos referidos a diferencias biológicas y no de género. Conclusiones: Los resultados muestran la importancia de la variable género sobre la autorregulación, al ser usada como variable predictora y moderadora. A la vez se evidencia la necesidad de cuidar el lenguaje para referir al género y fundamentar las razones por las cuales se recogen datos sobre dicha variable, para las respectivas interpretaciones de los estudios. - PublicationSmartphone use among undergraduate STEM Students during COVID-19: An opportunity for higher education?(MDPI, 2021)
; ;Mella-Norambuena, Javier ;Cobo-Rendon, Rubia ;Lobos, KarlaMaldonado-Trapp, AlejandraDue to the COVID-19 pandemic, students worldwide have continued their education remotely. One of the challenges of this modality is that students need access to devices such as laptops and smartphones. Among these options, smartphones are the most accessible because of their lower price. This study analyzes the usage patterns of smartphone users of undergraduate Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) students during the COVID-19 pandemic. This cross-sectional descriptive study included 365 students: 162 (44.4%) women and 203 (55.6%) men from a Chilean university. The results revealed that students often accessed the learning management system (LMS) with their computers rather than with their smartphones. Students were connected to the LMS for more hours on their computers than on their smartphones. However, they spent more hours simultaneously connected on their computers and smartphones than just on their computers. During the day, students accessed the LMS mainly from 13:00 to 1:00. The number of connections decreased from 1:00 to 8:00 and increased from 8:00 to 13:00. The LMS resource that students accessed the most using smartphones was discussion forums, while the one they accessed the least was wiki pages. We expect these results to motivate faculties to schedule their activities during the hours students tend to be online and promote discussion forums.
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